Getting Involved with Environmental Groups in Central Missouri: A Guide

Are you looking to get involved with an environmental protection organization in Central Missouri? If so, you're in luck! There are a number of great organizations that provide resources and opportunities for those looking to make a difference in their local environment. The Missouri Environmental Coalition (MCE) and the Ozarks Environmental and Water Resources Institute (OEWRI) at Missouri State University are two of the most prominent environmental groups in the area. The MCE is an independent citizen environmental organization that works to promote clean water, clean air, clean energy, and a healthy environment. They provide forums, working groups, committees, and advisory groups to discuss specific environmental issues.

OEWRI, on the other hand, provides technical knowledge, analytical capacity, and training to students to support environmental research, watershed monitoring programs, and group activities in the Ozarks watersheds. They collaborate with university researchers, environmental groups, local communities, and government agencies on research projects aimed at solving problems of runoff, canal networks, and water quality and supply. If you're looking to get involved with an environmental group in Central Missouri, the MCE and OEWRI are great places to start. Both organizations provide resources and opportunities for those looking to make a difference in their local environment. Whether you're looking for a way to get involved or just want to learn more about the environment in your area, these organizations are a great place to start.